Every single line is “content”, even the “unwritten” ones. Newsletter, blogpost, landing page, press releases, all these activities have the power to attract, engage and retain your target. But, in order to achieve that, they need to be reasoned and realized with a clear strategy.

We plan content marketing strategies that give results

Working on a customized editorial plan gives value to your brand identity, also increases the number of leads and improves the brand reputation in the long term.
The contents are vital for any marketing plan: they can intercept, persuade or distance your target or even make you become invisible. Rely on us with your content marketing strategy!

Engage your target

working on the creation of original and optimized contents

With the right copywriting

you can attract, engage and call-to-action your target audience in order to be able to increase the lead generation

Grow in reputation and authority

talking about your brand and products and sharing your values!

Our method for an efficient content marketing strategy

The market analysis, the definition of the goal and the target, the designing of a strategic plan, the monitoring of the results.


Let’s start from here: the market analysis

The first thing to do before posting any type of content – a blog post, a video, a web page, a press release – is the market analysis where your company operates for a perfect definition of the starting point.

Who you are, what’s your target and who are your competitors?

What makes your brand unique and distinct? What are its weaknesses and what instead needs to be improved?

Because to set up an efficient content marketing strategy it’s necessary to understand who you are, what you can offer and what you can achieve.

The definition of the KPIs

The definition of the KPIs is essential for every marketing strategy. Every action and every content it’s important to achieve your business goals.

Do you want to sell a specific product? Do you want to get more qualified leads? Do you want to improve your brand awareness?

Specific, measurable and achievable goals. The right KPIs tell us if we meet the target.

If, for example, your goal is to improve your brand awareness, some KPIs could be the mentions and the shares on the social platforms or the mentions that bring spontaneous incoming-links to your website.


We develop an editorial plan, a calendar and content distribution channels

In this phase we define a schedule plan, the one that makes us – content after content – reaching the goal established.

We begin wondering which kind of contents have to be created, when and with what kind of frequency and, above all, the type of channels we should use for them.

Content marketing is not only about blogging. Landing page, infographics, newsletters, press releases… There are many contents to be considered, and they are related to the goal you want to reach and to your target.

For example: to increase your lead generation, is it better a vertical landing page, a blog post or a newsletter? And with what frequency these types of contents should be released?

We create valuable contents for your target and for… Google

An effective content marketing strategy is based on the creation of valuable content. That’s the reason why a market analysis is necessary, to determine the goal and the target you want to reach and so to develop an editorial plan and its distribution in the different channels.

Knowing “what” to write isn’t enough, it requires the proper copywriting,

What does that mean? It means using original and useful contents, easy to comprehend and able to meet the need of information of your target audience.

hink about it: If your content strategy doesn’t include a SEO optimization, how can the consumers intercept the contents that you create for them?


Last step: online contents and the KPIs’ monitoring

We go online as scheduled and start monitoring periodically the KPIs’ we have established together in the beginning. It doesn’t make any sense to create and post contents without measuring the results.

Which contents perform as expected and which ones don’t? Are the results in line with your goal?

This is a key aspect for optimizing and improving a content marketing strategy in the short and long term.

Why should you rely on us for your content marketing strategy?

To talk about your company in the right way and be able to value your products and services, but only if you want to do it with valuable contents that allow your brand to grow in online visibility, reputation and authority.

Google Analytics


Google Search Console




FAQ - Cosa devi sapere sulla strategia di content marketing?

Una corretta strategia di content marketing intercetta la necessità del tuo pubblico di trovare delle risposte concrete al suo bisogno di informazione, che vanno oltre al semplice acquisto del prodotto/servizio. Questo ti permette nel lungo periodo di costruire una relazione di fiducia e un’immagine di autorevolezza tali da spingere i tuoi clienti a scegliere il tuo brand non per il messaggio pubblicitario del momento ma per la credibilità e i valori che trasmetti.

Non esiste una tipologia di contenuto migliore di un’altra, esiste una tipologia di contenuto che funziona di più rispetto a un’altra in relazione alla tua nicchia di mercato, agli obietti che vuoi raggiunge e soprattutto a ciò che preferisce il tuo pubblico.

Non c’è una durata predefinita. La strategia di content marketing, come ogni tipo di strategia, è un piano d’azione a medio lungo termine in continua evoluzione. Non possiamo dirti con precisione un inizio e una fine, ma possiamo consigliarti una durata minima di almeno 9 mesi per poter analizzare i dati e verificare i primi risultati.

I nostri copywriter, in sinergia con i nostri SEO specialist.

Tutto ciò che amplica la distribuzione dei contenuti: campagne di digital PR, link building e social advertising.

Do you want to increase your company's online visibility?

Get in touch with our team, tell us about your project and your goals: we will design the most effective strategy together to climb the SERP and aim high.